Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pagan in a "Christian" world

The last month I have been learning a lot about me and my reasons for choosing this path.
The one I want to talk about is how I learned not to be ashamed of what I know, and how I learned to talk Christian but am still not. I got to visit my ailing father last week, he was a Christian Pastor for over 30 years. I was really worried about how I could help him see that this path is right for me, without him feeling like I am "turning my back on God". I want him to pass from this life with as few worries as possible, and I know that is a major point for him. At one point he said with tears in him voice how he can go as long as he can see that all this children are warriors for god.
I sat in his hospital room thinking about the conversation that was going on around me about Jesus and was struck with a thought. I can talk to them in the language they understand about leaving this world and resting until being called again, but be talking about the cycle of life and time in Valhalla.
From that moment I started doing just that and saw my dad's eye light up as I spoke of the things I learned as a child. but not feeling like I was being untrue to my roots in our path. 
I have known for many years that I am on the earth for a reason, not a personal reason, but for others. I learned this trip that there is a vary good reason for this. My parents were told when I was little that I would be so behind and slow that I would need to be in a "hospital", but another Dr laughed and said I was fine, it was just that I have small bones that my skull is so small, not the size of my brain. I learned this trip was that my father had asked Jesus to let me pass from this world if I was that bad, but that if I was to stay here I was here for His (Jesus') glory, to be a light for others. My father told me about the last part of that for the first time this past week and I told him how I have always looked at my life as a tool (in a good way). I m even more sure of my path now as I am becoming a light, one of knowledge.
When prayer was had I quietly talked to Allfather Odin, Mother Frigga and Eir. While I did bow my head to show respect for the prayer around me, my inner self was looking up into the sky as I talked about the situation, and asked for guidance in this time.
Once while we were talking about what needs done and how Mama (my wonderful step mom) will be able to servive after my father passes on. I said something about how our hope is shifted. From finding a way to "cure" him to looking forward to seeing him again. I have no doubt that I will see him again (I am rather sure that I have known him before, and I seem to spend my time with those I meet, time and again) Mama, My sisters, and my brother all share a hope in heaven and eternal life. I see the cycle and the chance to see them all again in another life (and or in the Great Halls)
I love you Dad and thanks again for teaching me another life lesson! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rune Study

Rune Study is always a challenge. I say this because not all people know how to study them and what study techniques work for them. Asilia and Helga have struggled to find a way that works for them. While this is often normal it has driven them nuts. They both know the runes but have been having challenges remembering them (esp. in order) and the traditional meanings, simple things. 
We wanted to share our story so that others who are having challenges can see they are not alone.
We have tried several methods of study and we always study for a day or 2 then life gets in the way and we stop.. it is not that we do not want to study, but that it never clicked..
So we started by pulling a Rune in the evening, reading a little about it then sleeping on it. In the morning we then bring out the pile of books and read all we can on it. and talk about it.
The first day we pulled Dagaz and we both learned so much.. then yesterday we we studied  Ehwaz. For us this was huge! we learned more about it than we thought we could, some Runes speak to a person in ways others do not. 
So far we are learning things that cannot be learned from books and understanding the Runes in ways we had only hoped.
We have many ideas for helping those in our Kindred and most of all our young ones (and in the process ourselves) learn the Runes. Most important help them (and us) understand the Runes.
Next Blot is Oct 30th, a night Blot! we are looking forward to it! 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

About the Helmberi Kindred

This is the Helmberi Kindred, we are an Asatru/ Norse Pagan group in Northern Nevada. We live by the Nine Noble Virtues, and the Rede of Honor.  These teach us to be Honorable, trustworthy and truthful individuals. We will write more about these in later posts.

We organize ourselves as our ancestors did.  Our Chieftain is our leader and representative to society.  He is responsible for all the mundane aspects of our lives:  land, housing needs, food, clothing, work, protection, discipline, and the order of the Kindred. The Queen is the Chieftain’s other half, she assists the Chieftain, and is the Mother figure of the Kindred, she plans the feasts, coordinates the mundane activities, and reminds everyone of upcoming events.

Our Gothi and Gythia are the next two important people in the structure of a Kindred.  The Gothi is the male spiritual leader. His responsibilities include, calling on the Gods, performing male-centric Blots, spiritual adviser to all that request guidance, work in conjunction with the Gythia, Rune divination, and sharing his knowledge with the Folk.
Gythia, is the female spiritual leader. Her responsibilities include, calling on the Goddesses, performing female-centric Blots, spiritual adviser to all that request guidance, work in conjunction with the Gothi, sharing her knowledge with the Folk, Sied magic, and the education of the children.

Sword Bearer, he is the protector of the Kindred, he also keeps track of the oaths taken and is tasked with reminding people of their oaths.

Harbarth and Rose
Skald, is the record keeper of the Kindred, he or she is the historian and secretary. Keeping records of all that is needed and learning the stories of our ancestors to pass down. The Skald also keeps a history of the kindred. There are others that are needed but this is the bare bones minimum for a functioning Kindred.

Our Chieftain is Harbarth, He is away from us right now but not by choice. He joins us as often as possible by video chat, and we all have the ability to email or talk to him when we need to. Our Queen is Rose, his other half. She is still learning her duties, but has grown a lot in the last year.

Our Gothi is Egil, he fills in when needed for Jesse, his Blots are powerful and have great meaning.
Our Gythia is Asila, she is a powerful speaker and an excellent teacher, her Blots are often full of poetry and/or song.
Our Skald is Helga, who works closely with Asila with making sure the kindred is taken care of. She keeps the records and the histories. She is also studying under Asila to be assistant Gythia of the kindred.
Asila, Egil, and Helga
Our Sword Bearer is Dan, he is a powerful protector and growing stronger and steadfast in his understanding of his responsibilities and duties to the Kindred and his family.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Turning of the Wheel

I recently started reading "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan. So that was on my mind yesterday as we celebrated Midsummer. We had to make some tough decisions for the good of the kindred. That was the hard part of the day. After that was time for fun, fellowship, and food. Through all of it bits of a song or a poem kept running through my head. "And the Wheel keeps turning." "We turn the Wheel again." "And we move ever forward." "Each turn takes us forward." It wouldn't become anything other than fragments, but would not stop running through my head. Even while Egil was performing blot, it kept running round my head. As we walked the circle it ran through my head. There was a lot of good energy in the circle even though we were few in number. Our absent chieftain joined us via video chat, and had most of us on the verge of tears (in a good way). We all miss him and hope he is able to join us in person soon. We all walked the circle and kept the wheel turning. Before I went to sleep I got enough of the fragments to come together that I know its a march. In one of our future blots I hope to use it. The sooner, the better. May the light of Baldr shine on Midgard for this turning of the Wheel.
Asila Sagasdottir, Gythia, Helmberi Kindred