Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rune Study

Rune Study is always a challenge. I say this because not all people know how to study them and what study techniques work for them. Asilia and Helga have struggled to find a way that works for them. While this is often normal it has driven them nuts. They both know the runes but have been having challenges remembering them (esp. in order) and the traditional meanings, simple things. 
We wanted to share our story so that others who are having challenges can see they are not alone.
We have tried several methods of study and we always study for a day or 2 then life gets in the way and we stop.. it is not that we do not want to study, but that it never clicked..
So we started by pulling a Rune in the evening, reading a little about it then sleeping on it. In the morning we then bring out the pile of books and read all we can on it. and talk about it.
The first day we pulled Dagaz and we both learned so much.. then yesterday we we studied  Ehwaz. For us this was huge! we learned more about it than we thought we could, some Runes speak to a person in ways others do not. 
So far we are learning things that cannot be learned from books and understanding the Runes in ways we had only hoped.
We have many ideas for helping those in our Kindred and most of all our young ones (and in the process ourselves) learn the Runes. Most important help them (and us) understand the Runes.
Next Blot is Oct 30th, a night Blot! we are looking forward to it! 

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