Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Turning of the Wheel

I recently started reading "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan. So that was on my mind yesterday as we celebrated Midsummer. We had to make some tough decisions for the good of the kindred. That was the hard part of the day. After that was time for fun, fellowship, and food. Through all of it bits of a song or a poem kept running through my head. "And the Wheel keeps turning." "We turn the Wheel again." "And we move ever forward." "Each turn takes us forward." It wouldn't become anything other than fragments, but would not stop running through my head. Even while Egil was performing blot, it kept running round my head. As we walked the circle it ran through my head. There was a lot of good energy in the circle even though we were few in number. Our absent chieftain joined us via video chat, and had most of us on the verge of tears (in a good way). We all miss him and hope he is able to join us in person soon. We all walked the circle and kept the wheel turning. Before I went to sleep I got enough of the fragments to come together that I know its a march. In one of our future blots I hope to use it. The sooner, the better. May the light of Baldr shine on Midgard for this turning of the Wheel.
Asila Sagasdottir, Gythia, Helmberi Kindred

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