Friday, December 9, 2016

Once we were gods

Once we were gods, strong and inspiring.
Too late we saw the danger.
Too late we heard the news.
Too late to ask for undivided loyalty.
Too late to make a stand.
All too soon we were gone.
All that was left to us was myth and legend.
We no longer had belief to make us strong.
We became so weak.
All we could do was wait and watch.
Our children abandoned us.
They found new gods.
Too late we saw this danger.
Too late.
Once we were gods, strong and courageous.
Now we wait and watch.
Our children's children may be coming back.
We feel belief growing, making us strong again.
One day soon we shall be gods again.
Our strength is growing.
We shall be gods again and lead our people loyal.
We shall be gods again, strong and courageous.
Soon we will be gods again.
Once we were gods and soon, very soon we will be again.

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