Monday, June 20, 2016

Midsummer Blot

Toasting Balder
Our little helpers!
Yesterday we had a wonderful day! Feast of local tri-tip, pasta salad and wonderful baked goods from our friend Pia (My Scandinavia- her website) Family and Friends shared food, drink and fellowship. as Sol ended the day we gathered in the circle and spoke of Balder the shining God, of his kindness, compassion, and Love. The ending of his life by Hoder with the help of Loki and the lowly mistletoe. How this signals the coming of Ragnarok. Looking at the world, I think we need to be prepared for anything.. I could go on a long rant about morals and the lack of them in the world, but that is for another time. Asila then pointed out how the last year (or so) we have been spending a lot of time on Tyr (the God of justice) and how she would like us to spend more time on Balder, to focus on the things we can improve about ourselves to make us more like him. The Kindred agreed, so starts our quests to find the traits in us that we need to change (this is purely personal, each person looking at themselves and asking for guidance)
Our Children are the best of us, our blood, our eternal life, and our life! these 2 are the pride and joy of our lives (this is why so many pictures are of them) they are both to an age where they MUST be included in all parts of every Blot. it is so sweet and adorable we cannot help but to take LOTS of pictures of them.
We had 2 fires going yesterday, the main fire for Blot and a smaller one for a friend, who needed a little boost yesterday and so we wanted to do all we could to help. We had sage, evergreen, and lavender fresh from our plants that we added, to help give the needed boost
Both fires (the smaller one was for a friend)

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