Friday, April 22, 2016

living the path in all we do and say

Asilia and I are working on making our lives fit with our path.. in some ways that is really easy and in others we are finding little bad habits that we need to fix or things that could the way we do things that we need to work on.
For starters we are reading up on the way we want to educate the kids and are finding things that are missing from our lives and finding ways to fix that. In christian homes bible (or other Holy book) study is daily or close to that. and the education style we want to use makes use of that study to help the kids learn and see that learning is a never ending task. The call it the central classic of the family and I think we are lacking that even if we know that the Eddas and Saga's are our central classics. Knowing and using them every day are 2 different things. But the idea of studying an Edda every day is daunting. so Asilia came up with the idea to study the Havamal, we both thought that was a good idea and started looking for books of just the Havamal. In doing that we found that there are as many translations of it as there are of the bible! This lead us to think that we need more than one translation to really learn. when we were trying to make the bible our book (years ago, before we found our path) we both studied this way, where we got several versions to see what we could learn by reading them all. This technique is helpful to see how different people read the old language and see the meanings. There is so much that is lost in translation, and so much that we do not understand about the language that our ancestors used.
We have started a wish list of different versions and other books that we want and we are starting with simple things to get us in the habit of a little study each day. We are also re-vamping our priorities, so that they all line up. one cool think we have done is make a hanging that we have in our bathroom and I am thinking of one for the kids bathroom.

This is what the one in our bathroom has on it.

I see us on a thriving Asatru farm, surrounded by our kin. We are supporting ourselves financially by selling excess from the farm, selling our crafts at shows and online, buying, repairing and selling cars to kinfolk in need and possibly carpentry work. Our days start at the crack of dawn taking care of animals and gardens. We all take turns teaching the children to make sure they have a well-rounded and thorough education. Each day includes time for each of us to work on our crafts and our own education. In the morning, we greet Sol with a salutation and ending the day with a salutation to Mani. For fun, we go jump in the pond or take a trip to town. There are many camping, hiking, exploring and fishing trips. Celebrations, blots and gathering of the folk are regular features on the farm. In the winter there is more time for storytelling, study and crafting. In the summer, most of the day is spent outside. The kids are involved with every aspect of the farm so they have more quality time with everyone. With everyone working together there is less busy work. Our goal is to is spend less time driving to and from work and appointments, all of which makes more time for the things we want to do.

Lisa and Ellen’s Priorities
z   Spiritual Path
z   Strong marriage
z   Educating ourselves and our Family
z   Providing for Family by crafting & taking care of ourselves
z   Quality time with Family
z   Working on small steps for 9 year plan

Ancestry is better than universalism
Courage is better than cowardice
Freedom is better than slavery
Honor is better than dishonor
Joy is better than guilt
Kinship is better than alienation
Realism is better than dogmatism
Strength is better than weakness

Vigor is better than listlessness

The one for the kids needs to have on it the things they are responsible for... still working on the wording of that..